Magno Girl Giveaway Over - Get FREE ebook

The giveaway for five paperback copies of "Magno Girl" is over.


I feel bad everybody can't win, but Happy Joe Control can only give away so many copies of an actual book. 


I'm surprised by the number of people who hate e-books. Really, they're great once you get used to them. And here's your chance to try one out!


For a limited time, you can get a FREE copy of the e-book version of Magno GIrl


All you need to do is subscribe to the Happy Joe Newsletter right here:


The newsletter has lots of humor and flash fiction, too. (I like flash fiction, especially under 55 words - it's my new thing).  Plus, I plan to give away other stories for free as well as some Magno Girl merchandise. 


So get a free ebook. Tell a friend!